I’ve come across a number of tutorials on preparing infused chocolates. The following is my preferred method. Approximately 1/4 oz to 150g of chocolate seems to be a good ratio, but this can be adjusted for personal preference/potency.Screenshot-2018-4-29 (JPEG Image, 768 × 517 pixels).png

Not all recommend decarboxylation, but for those of you vaping your herb, this is a reason to save the flower you’ve previously enjoyed. It won’t yield a product as strong as a nug you just broke up, but you can always mix your vaped herb with some fresh greens. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Find a ratio that works for you. For the batch I’m currently preparing, I added a couple grams of vaped herb to 1/4 oz of cured flower, which I decarboxylated in the oven at 250 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.  Waste not want not.

Place a metal bowl over a pot of water, (double boiler) and add the chocolate before turning on the heat. With small batches like this, you can shut off the element once the chocolate starts to melt. Shutting off your element will prevent you from over heating the chocolate. The water should be hot enough by that point to finish the process.

If you’re leaving the cannabis in, you’ll want to have a fairly fine grind and be sure to pull out large stems. I personally don’t mind the extra fiber, and full spectrum of cannabinoids. You can also strain the plant material once the THC has had a chance to bond with the fat. If you’re after a smoother mouth feel, I would recommend adding a spoonful of coconut oil.

Fold in the cannabis, and give the compounds a chance to get to know each other. There’s no rush. I’m leaving this batch on the pot of water to cool to room temperature, before warming it again to pour into the molds. To change it up, I’ll add add a pinch of cayenne pepper or a sprinkle of instant coffee. Apparently it’s now prohibited to mix caffeine with cannabis, but if you consider that cannabis is still not an approved therapeutic drug in Canada, you may as well do what you damn well please while preparing your own therapeutic dose of cannachocolate.

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Let em cool, pop em out of the mold, have a bite and see how you did. I’m straining a few of these, and filling the rest of the mold with a little more chocolate which I’ll be mixing with the strained material. Nothing wrong with stretching it as far as you can, but keep in mind the potency will vary. Alternatively, cannabis concentrates can easily be infused with cocoa butter, then added to the chocolate itself. If you’re looking for more of a challenge, try infusing cannabis into a ganache type filling, and make yourself some bonbons or other type of filled chocolate. A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.


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